Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Escaping from the Real World

The movie, Twilight, has become a phenomenon among women of many ages. It truly is a “chick flick” because it was designed to appeal and aim towards the female audience. One of the film’s main characters is a very attractive man who has what many women believe to be an amazing body. When watching the film many women dream of escaping into the film from everyday life.
This is very similar to Janice A. Radway’s “Women Read the Romance” in that from the women surveyed in the community of Smithton, many of them have the same views on escaping everyday life. In the survey women were “asked why they read romances” (Radway, 68). Almost all of them answered “escape or relaxation as their goal” from the many motherly duties they have complete (68).
Almost all women live a very stressful live, especially mothers. Mothers have a very large role to play in raising a family. A large amount of these Mothers can become very stressed and wish they could flee from their daily lives for a short period of the day. (I can relate to this after living in a family of four kids). Whether it is watching the movie Twilight or reading a Romance novel, every woman has her own way of “escaping” from reality into a different world.

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